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target approach中文是什么意思

用"target approach"造句"target approach"怎么读"target approach" in a sentence


  • 接近目标
  • 进入目标


  • On the application of quot; target approach quot; in reading course of college english
  • A targeted approach , such as through an industry group , will likely bring in the candidate of choice
  • Unfortunately both these plans are likely to fail . what you need is a structured , targeted approach
  • In particular , given limited resources , most ipas intend to employ a more targeted approach to investment promotion ( figure 3 )
  • It is vindicated that the application of real targets approach is successful with the object of promoting export ; the export growth contributed a lot to gdp growth rate
  • Prior to the east asian financial crisis , rmb exchange rate policy was real targets approach , under this approach , the corresponding exchange rate regime is floating exchange ra te
    在亚洲金融危机以前,人民币汇率政策是实际目标模式( realtargetsapproach ) ,在这种模式下,相应的汇率制度安排是浮动汇率制度。
  • The proposal on positive consumer credit data sharing is not a knee - jerk reaction to rising personal bankruptcies but a measured and targeted approach to enhancing the efficiency and risk management of one important aspect of financial intermediation by the banks
用"target approach"造句  
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